


象主とモモの助 ヤマト 1041話
出典:ONE PIECE 1041話 尾田 栄一郎/集英社


出典:ONE PIECE 82巻 尾田 栄一郎



出典:ONE PIECE 66巻 尾田 栄一郎


「悪意を持てば”世界”を海に沈めてしまえる程の この世で指折りの怖い力

「いつか その力を正しく導く者が現れ そしてその時 世界には大きな変化が訪れる」

しらほし ポセイドン ジョイボーイ
出典:ONE PIECE 63巻 尾田 栄一郎



ポーネグリフ ジョイボーイ 謝罪文
出典:ONE PIECE 64巻 尾田 栄一郎



迫害 魚人族 海底
出典:ONE PIECE 65巻 尾田 栄一郎





ジンベエ ゼロ
出典:ONE PIECE 66巻 尾田 栄一郎


  • 大昔は地上に住んでいた魚人と人間
  • 優れた能力を持つ魚人を恐れた人間
  • 圧倒的多数の人間による迫害で海底に追いやられた魚人
  • 地上に戻りたい魚人と、魚人島の全員が乗れる方舟”ノア”。海王類が引いて動く
  • 海王類を操る「ポセイドン」の正しい使い方は”ノア”の操縦
  • 魚人が地上に戻るため、差別をなくし土地を用意する
  • 魚人の為にジョイボーイが世界に挑む
  • 負けてしまい約束を果たせなかったことへの謝罪文
  • 謝罪文に使われた古代文字はワノ国の光月家しか書けないので光月も仲間だった



出典:ONE PIECE 66巻 尾田 栄一郎





海王類 ポセイドン しらほし
出典:ONE PIECE 66巻 尾田 栄一郎
ウラヌス モモの助
出典:ONE PIECE 1041話 尾田 栄一郎/集英社


出典:ONE PIECE 1041話 尾田 栄一郎/集英社




クローバー オハラ 不都合
出典:ONE PIECE 41巻 尾田 栄一郎



出典:ONE PIECE 96巻 尾田 栄一郎


しらほし ポセイドン ジョイボーイ
出典:ONE PIECE 63巻 尾田 栄一郎



クローバー オハラ 不都合
出典:ONE PIECE 41巻 尾田 栄一郎


頂上戦争 政府 センゴク
出典:ONE PIECE 57巻 尾田 栄一郎
頂上戦争 政府 センゴク
出典:ONE PIECE 57巻 尾田 栄一郎


  • ジョイボーイとその仲間達は、800年前に大きな戦争を戦った
  • ジョイボーイ軍の仲間は”象主ズニーシャ”と、ゾウに住むミンク族、その兄弟分の光月家(あと魚人とシャンディア?)
  • 勝ったのは後の”世界政府”軍
  • 勝者は歴史を改竄して復讐を阻止するのが世の常
  • 真実の”歴史を守る為”に”歴史の本文ポーネグリフ”として未来へ残した
  • 古代文字の読み書きが途絶えないように”光月一族”のいるワノ国は鎖国
  • 世界政府から光月一族を守り続けた



おでん 開国
出典:ONE PIECE 95巻 尾田 栄一郎



出典:ONE PIECE 96巻 尾田 栄一郎


歴史を背負って挑む 白ひげ 頂上戦争
出典:ONE PIECE 59巻 尾田 栄一郎

「いつの日か その数百年分の”歴史”を全て背負って この世界に戦いを挑む者が現れる」
「”世界政府”は いつか来る その 世界中を巻き込む程の”巨大な戦い”を恐れている」


出典:ONE PIECE 41巻 尾田 栄一郎


  • 世界の法を司る”世界政府”を倒すには”強い無法者”が大量に必要
  • その為に命を張って”大海賊時代”を作った”ロジャー”
  • 秘宝を手に入れるには”歴史の本文ポーネグリフ”を辿らなければならない
  • 800年前から違法とされた”歴史の本文ポーネグリフ”の読み書き
  • 歴史の本文ポーネグリフ”の読み書きを求める海賊がワノ国に押し寄せる
  • 歴史の本文ポーネグリフ”の読み書きを世界中に広める為に開国を目指す”おでん”
  • 歴史の本文ポーネグリフ”を読めば世界政府のウソに気づく
  • 数百年分の歴史を背負って世界政府に戦いを挑む者を後押しする”白ひげ”


  • その戦いに勝てば、天竜人が居ない奴隷制度も魚人差別もない世界が作れる
  • 魚人島の住民全員がノアに乗り地上に移住できる
  • その時に「ポセイドン」の力は正しく使われる
  • 二度と海底に追いやられないよう魚人島を破壊しする
  • マダムシャーリーの”魚人島崩壊”予言



ちなみに「まるで”大海賊時代”はロジャーが意図して作ったみたいじゃないか」というウソップの質問に対しレイリーは「そこはまだ 答えかねる」と言葉を濁しました。


出典:ONE PIECE 52巻 尾田 栄一郎








ONE PIECE 公式漫画アプリ
ONE PIECE 公式漫画アプリ
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  1. Extended Opportunity より:

    Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  2. Extended Opportunity より:

    Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  3. Extended Opportunity より:

    Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  4. Extended Opportunity より:

    Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  5. Extended Opportunity より:

    Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  6. Extended Opportunity より:

    Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc
